Our interdisciplinary team of professionals offers high-quality services in sustainability.
Our Environment and Sustainable Business practice integrates the knowledge and experience of a multidisciplinary team of professionals with extensive experience in dealing with the legal, technical-environmental, and social aspects of sustainable projects, businesses, and investments.
We offer our clients a comprehensive portfolio of services to provide strategic advice on sustainability issues for formulating, structuring, operating, monitoring, and decommissioning of projects in all sectors of the economy, including applicable tax efficiencies.
Our practice has extensive experience in the management of the integrity of the life cycle of the activity, including the formulation of projects, obtaining environmental administrative authorizations before the competent authorities, accompaniment, and representation in administrative and judicial proceedings in environmental sanctioning processes and/or environmental judicial actions, as well as technical-environmental accompaniment.
We successfully integrate the variable of social management of projects into our vision of service and promote the development of green and sustainable businesses within the framework of green and climate-friendly growth.
Legal advice on environmental sanctioning procedures, civil and constitutional actions, and environmental criminal proceedings.
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